Vedic Plaster

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A person eats 2 kg in a day, 3 liters. Breathes water and 11000 (eleven thousand) liters. We eat organic to eat 2 kg, for 3 liters of water we drink mineral / RO water, while 11000 liter of breath which is 5500 times more important than food and water, we do not pay attention to it. Due to the chemical pants in the houses, the air in the house gets polluted, and we get sick. The Vedic Pants (Aryas colors used earlier in Havelio, Mahalo) of Envoy Naturals are made entirely of VOC free and natural ingredients, made from desi cow dung, jaggery, fenugreek, red clay, yellow clay, etc. which make the house completely chemical Along with making free, they increase the positive energy in the house.


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