Worldwide Biodegradable Food Service Disposables Industry to 2026

The global biodegradable foodservice disposables market reached a value of US$ 2.5 Billion in 2020. Completely biodegradable disposables are made from naturally occurring substances such as sugarcane fiber (Bagasse), corn starch, wheat bran, bamboo, areca nut sheaths, dried leaves such as palm leaves, coconut coir. The global biodegradable foodservice disposables market is expected to experience moderate growth in the next five years.
Plastic ban in several countries and rising consumer awareness about the environmental impact posed by plastic and paper disposables have resulted in increased preference for completely biodegradable alternatives.
Region-wise, the market has been segmented into Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa, and Latin America. Amongst these, Europe represents the biggest market.

Source ––AnGlAbMyVw:1634715145316&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwip9q28vNjzAhUDfSsKHWIeDhM4ChD8BSgAegQIARAC&biw=1536&bih=754&dpr=1.25

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